
Ever Burning Lamp

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The Ten oaths:

1.I will adopt  a good  objective in my life.
2.I will work hard and study well to realize my objective.
3.During my holidays, I will educate at least five illiterate persons.
4.I will plant five trees either at my house or school, nurture them and grow them into trees.
5.I will try to resuscitate at least five suffering persons like Drunkards, Drug Addicts, and gamblers.
6.I will meet five suffering inpiduals, console them and try to alleviate their pain.
7.I will treat equally all people irrespective of their religion, caste and language
8.I will be honest and be a role-model to all.
9.I will love both my mother and my motherland. I will respect and honor  womanhood.
10.I will light the Lamp of Wisdom and make it a glowing Ever Burning Lamp.

Let Us Change:

Let us change India into a country
where the socio-economic breach between the town and the village is low.
where all equally get clean drinking water and essential power supply
where agriculture, industry and service integrate to lead the people towards the path of progression
where all receive good, cultured education  beyond the socio-economic disparity
where all receive without any discrepancy quality medical services
where there is no corruption and a responsible and open governance

And let us change India into a country,  where poverty is totally eradicated, illiteracy is fully exterminated and where crimes are completely stamped out.

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