Tips to make job opportunities come your way! | Kalvimalar - News

Tips to make job opportunities come your way!- 11-Jul-2015

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If you have the right qualification, the entire world will be after you. Eligibility in other words can be described as the skill to acquire self-confidence and the vision that makes job opportunities come your way.

I do understand that now you are asking me “how to develop this self confidence?”   The following points are enough to develop self confidence.

• Take complete responsibility that you alone are to be blamed for your failures. Never put the blame on others.
• Keep upgrading your skill sets.
• Never self pity yourself.

Never get shaken by failures, take responsibility for your failures.  Reflect on ‘how it had occurred’ and ‘how it can be avoided’.   Thinking will provide clarity. Clear mind will become a fountain of knowledge source.       

Further, success will show the world who you are, but failure will show you who actually you are.  Hence, those who take responsibility of their failure will improve on their self confidence and mental strength too.

Apart from this, your self-confidence will also improve if you happen to develop your ability to imagine, interpersonal skills, problem solving skills, creative skills and operational skills. The thought, "I can also do it", is the first step towards being self confident, which is also an important step towards success.

Never think low of yourself and have self pity. Just as a small seed has a big fruit hidden inside it, you too have lot talents hidden inside of you.  Tap the talent within you. Never fret over challenges, instead face it with self confidence and convert it into success. Initially, though you may fail, keep working with the faith that only failures lead to success.   

Along with the above mentioned eligibility, if you possess job oriented technical skills and interpersonal relationship skills, job opportunities will come your way.   

-------Dr. Kavidhasan


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