Cambridge English conducts workshop for Language Teachers in Chennai | Kalvimalar - News

Cambridge English conducts workshop for Language Teachers in Chennai- 31-Jul-2016

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Chennai: Cambridge English Language Assessment (Part of the University of Cambridge) conducted a workshop on creative ways to use technology in English classrooms in Chennai.

This one-day workshop was organised as part of the Cambridge English Annual Coordinators’ Conference 2016, which is being held in 11 cities across India for language teachers and trainers of the various Cambridge English preparation centres and lending them tips to engage classes with activities and fun-based teaching.

The workshop titled,"The battle of the chalk and the mouse: Creative ways to use technology in your English classroom" aimed at creating awareness for language teachers on different ways to use technology in the English classroom.

Many teachers from well-known city schools and colleges, language trainers from Cambridge English preparation centres and other language experts participated in the workshop which was held last week at The Residency towers.

This workshop explored a host of practical and fun ways to use technology to make the English classroom more engaging. It offered a platform to interact with experts and peers to learn and share ideas on how to make the language learning and teaching experience more interesting yet meaningful using technology.

Participants also had an activity filled session, where they got the opportunity to learn more about the Cambridge English resources at their disposal, such as the learning app, Cambridge English India Network, Cambridge English TV, the Youtube channel and other teachers and student resources.



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