About Emotional Quotient (EQ)! | Kalvimalar - News

About Emotional Quotient (EQ)! - 4-Mar-2019

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Many of us are aware of IQ (Intelligence Quotient). Designed to measure intellectual intelligence, it gives a score from a series of tests. Higher IQs indicate better cognitive abilities, or the ability to learn and understand.

Students with higher IQs are more likely to do well academically without exerting the same amount of mental effort as those with lower IQ scores.

An assumption, therefore, is that people with higher IQs will be more successful at work and through life. But, this assumption has been proven wrong   there is more to success than simply being clever.

Emotional Intelligence (EI or sometimes EQ Emotional Quotient) is a more modern concept and was only fully developed in the mid-1990s. .

Emotional Intelligence is the measure of an individuals abilities to recognise and manage their emotions, and the emotions of other people, both individually and in groups.

Emotional Intelligence is divided into Personal and Social competences, which broadly split between personal and interpersonal skills. Within each of these sections are a range of skills which are the elements of emotional intelligence.

Working on emotional intelligence is the most important aspect of personal development.

Research has shown that people with higher levels of emotional intelligence enjoy more satisfying and successful careers and relationships.

If you think about ways to enhance your emotional intelligence, you are likely to become more charismatic, interesting and attractive to others, and you will also give your self-esteem a boost.

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