Digital Education is changing the way we learn - Part 2 | Kalvimalar - News

Digital Education is changing the way we learn - Part 2- 19-May-2022

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Over the last two decades, we've seen technology transform the education sphere like education delivered online, computer-based remote exams conducted, and students attending classes at foreign universities while living in other countries.

What are the Main Types of Digital Learning?

Any type of learning content delivered in a virtual environment is referred to as digital learning. They can be video-based, live or self-paced, and can take place one-on-one or in a group setting. There are three types of digital learning in general: e-learning through virtual reality, blended learning, and gamification.

E-learning through virtual reality

E-learning is commonly thought to be a completely digital approach. Students receive all of their instruction online, either through educational platforms or through meeting software such as Teams or Zoom.

Students also have access to the digital library, and they can usually access it whenever they want.  They may have set class times, but in many cases, they can study at their own pace but must meet assessment deadlines.

Blended learning methods

Blended learning is a model that combines the very best of both worlds, by combining the classic method of classroom education with its e-learning counterparts. This model is the most common mainly in primary and secondary education.

Blended learning is the educational equivalent of working from home a few days per week.


Gamification is a new concept in education, but it has been shown to be an effective way of increasing engagement and learning. This, in turn, has a positive impact on student outcomes. Gamification uses the elements of play that children enjoy in things like video games to accomplish an educational goal. Students enjoy the experience because they do not feel like they are learning.

What Impact Will Digital Learning Have on Education?

With so many technological advancements now in place, it's exciting to speculate about how digital learning could improve education in the future. 

Access to a greater number of high-quality teachers

Research done by experts has proved that a teacher's quality is directly connected to a student's achievement. While it's difficult to admit because every teacher has worth, some are more skilled in the field than others.

It is remarkable that with the help of digital technology, more and more amazing teachers will have the ability to teach children all over the world. More and more teachers will have the ability to influence their careers and also have more employment options as well.

Technology Expanding Knowledge Further

The future is here and it holds the power to elevate the possibilities of what students can experience to a whole new level. 

Digital media, simulations, and artificial intelligence (AI) are expected to push the boundaries of what students can experience today and in the future. Children can even learn about flight simulators, explore planets, build energy generators, and more online. Now, imagine what children will be able to study in the future before they have even finished high school.

Reducing Geographical Barriers to Education

Not only does a person's school location play a direct role in their success later in life, but so does their country. In the past, students who lived in countries with poor education facilities had an unfair disadvantage compared to students who lived in countries with better education facilities. However, this is not the case anymore in the age of the internet. With digital learning, it is hoped that in the future, all students will have equal access to educational resources and opportunities, resulting in a more equal chance of

Accessibility of Education to Far More Children

For many parents, the dream is to provide their children with the best opportunities in life. This might mean sending them to a top university or providing them with the right career path. Unfortunately, within the constraints of a traditional learning system, this is not always possible. There are obvious barriers to education for those who are disabled or come from low-income families. Digital learning breaks down some of these barriers, allowing students to chart their own course to success.

Better Assistance For Children With Disabilities

Disabled students can easily access all educational materials from the comfort of their own homes via online learning. e- learning platforms greatly reduce physical strain for mobile-impaired students while also making life easier for those who are visually or hearing-impaired. This gives students more freedom to explore the world, removing the barrier to learning and encouraging them to participate more actively instead.

Distance education, on the other hand, provides convenience to caregivers and families of disabled students. Families and caregivers, like students, may bid adieu to the everyday effort thanks to online learning.

--By Shourie Chatterji, Chief Digital Officer, Schoolnet 

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