Teaching your child Self-Control! | Kalvimalar - News

Teaching your child Self-Control!-

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Parents really get highly disturbed, when kids go down to roll adamantly on the floor in a shopping mall, at dinner with friends, or at home.  

But parents certainly can help kids learn self-control and teach them how to respond without just acting on impulse.

For example, if you say that you're not serving ice cream until after dinner, your child may cry, plead, or even scream in the hopes that you will give in. But with self-control, your child can understand that a temper tantrum means you'll take away the ice cream for good and that it's wiser to wait patiently.

Here are a few suggestions on how to help kids learn to control their behavior:

Infants and toddlers get frustrated by the large gap between the things they want to do and what they're able to do. They often respond with temper tantrums. Parents should try to prevent outbursts by distracting little one with toys or other activities.

For kids reaching the 2-year-old mark and little above till 5, try a brief ‘timeout’ ( isolating them in a place without talking)  in a designated area — like a kitchen chair or bottom stair — to show the consequences for outbursts and teach that it's better to take some time alone instead of throwing a tantrum.

End ‘timeouts’ when your child calms down. This helps kids improve their sense of self-control. And it’s highly important to praise your child for not losing control in frustrating or difficult situations.

For kids upto 9, are able to understand the idea of consequences and that they can choose good or bad behavior. Help your child think a little bit before responding. Encourage your child to walk away from a frustrating situation for a few minutes to cool off instead of having an outburst. Praise kids when they do walk away and cool off — they'll be more likely to use those skills in the future.

Parents, never shout when you're disciplining your kids. Instead, be firm. During a child's meltdown, stay calm and explain that yelling, throwing a tantrum, and slamming doors are unacceptable behaviors that have consequences — and say what those consequences are.

Prove to them through your actions, tantrums won't get kids the upper hand.

Never give-in when kids display adamant behaviour throwing tantrums.  

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