Understanding your child’s ability through disabilities! | Kalvimalar - News

Understanding your child’s ability through disabilities!-

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Not all children are born with the same ability to carry out various functions like studying, playing, singing, learning music.....and many.

Some kids are born with certain disabilities or disorders too.

First of all it’s very much important for parents to understand the uniqueness of their child – the ability and the disability too.

In simple words, disability of a child can be understood as a condition where they are unable to perform some day to day common tasks.

Disabilities can be primarily classified into three types – Cognitive Disability, Intellectual Disability and Physical Disability.

Cognitive Disability:
Cognitive disability hampers the individual’s capacity to acquire knowledge, pay attention, make proper judgements, coordinate their physical actions and articulate speech.

It can be broadly classified into memory disorders, hyperactivity and dyslexia.

Intellectual Disability
: A child with intellectual disability will have the limitations in the intellectual functioning of mental capacity such as learning, reasoning, problem solving and IQ levels. Usually it occurs before the age of 18 years.

Some children show limitations in the concept of language, time, numbers and directions (conceptual skills).

Few, show poor in interpersonal relations, social responsibility, poor self-esteem and feelings of negativity (social skills).

Then, certain kids reveal slow daily living activities, occupational skills and healthcare will be affected and money handling and personal safety will be affected (practical skills).

Physical Disability:
It means the limitations on a child’s physical functioning affecting mobility, strength, speed and posture.  

Now, based on these disabilities, it will be easy for a parent to understand the strengths of a child and work through it.  

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