Act in front of the camera | Kalvimalar - News

Act in front of the camera-

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An interview is going on. The interviewer asks the candidate to enlighten him about his own self. The person, who has come  for the  interview tells his name and his place. Then he starts blinking. He has now lost an excellent opportunity to plainly speak out some of the important details about himself with confidence. Though he has many details to share, such as his accomplishment in studies, concern in work, ability to work along with others, his integrity and sincerity and such other details, he does not speak them out; instead he gulps them down.

Everyone should have a clear idea and good estimation about himself. It is sure to provide an excellent base to a great future if you clearly analyze in detail many elements like, a few of the previous accomplishments, present interests, involvement, belief, future objectives and expectations.
Goal does not merely indicate desire. A goal is a dream with a deadline.
To decide about the goals of one’s life is itself a great art. One has to identify the goals after a deep scrutiny on how he should become, the accomplishments that need to be attained, the victory  to be achieved and those necessities required for our happiness and fulfillment. Excellent goals encompass a few elements.  First of all, it should be clear-cut and specific rather than being generalized. How far the goals have been reached, should be measurable. It should be realistic and achievable. Above all, the time-schedule must be determined to achieve it after careful calculation. 

Everyone has a mental picture about himself or herself. Self-esteem  assumes the equal stature as that of a person’s mental picture. If the self-respect is low, then the skill to succeed is also frail.  As the self-esteem of a person improves better the mental strength also gets stronger. It will bring out the stimulus and wisdom to accomplish the goals. The dimension and distinction of our accomplishment will be according to the mental image that we construct about ourselves in our mind.  If the mental picture is diminutive in size, the accomplishments are also small.  If the picture is huge,  it will pave way for greater achievements. 

Many youngsters, apart from not having a clear picture about their future, do not even have any thought about their objectives.  It is meaningless to  continue the journey without deciding about the destination. Similarly, it is just mere existence without deciding about the goals to achieve in the life’s journey.  It is a hollow survival.  Every youngster, after a careful analysis, must first decide the goals of his life. If the goal is considered as a camera,  we should act in front of it and not behind it.  Our efforts and actions should be towards that goal.  Life without goals is comparable to acting behind the camera. Let us act assertively in the world stage and be applauded by others.

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