Please brief me about Wireless studies. Is it a good course to take up in this scenario? | Kalvimalar - News

Please brief me about Wireless studies. Is it a good course to take up in this scenario?- 21-Mar-2009

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Wireless is the connecting of  two or more computers or devices without using wires. However, connection is given through radio waves and frequencies. 

Due to the advanced technological developments and an exceptional growth in this field for the past few years, the field has developed sifficient scope and numerous job opportunities.

Blue-tooth technology and wireless networking are two known examples of this field.

Because of the consistent origination of new technologies, attractive job opportunities blossom up for those who have completed this course.

Wireless Local Area Network- WLAN

WLAN is the transmission and sharing of data within a limited area between  the server and the users computers connected through the wireless devices and without cables.  The exchange of information and data is carried on with spread-spectrum or OFDM modulation technology based on radio waves. WLAN consists of infrastructure division and independent division.  Infrastructure division connects all wireless devices to access a point.   From this point, all users get net connections. This is used extensively.  WI-FI, the Wireless Fidelity, is also a division of WLAN.

Wireless Wide Area Network - WWAN

Wireless Wide Area Network connects servers and users through other technological devices like mobile phone technology, satellite, antenna and radio waves.  WWAN allows sharing datas across countries and cities through antenna and satellite.  Persons who have completed plus two can pursue this course. Better to study this course after the completion of plus two.

This course can be done at any educational institution in India which offers this course.  For specialization in Wireless Technology,  it is essential to have good knowledge in  Blue-Tooth, Wi-Fi, Infrared, RFID, V-MAX and Sifi.

The Planet 3 Educational Institution in India offers certificate courses in wireless technology such as CWNA, CWAB, CWNE and CWNT.   All the latest technologies of today are taught in these courses.  It is advisable to study any certificate course of this field;  for, in future, plenty of job opportunities will be available in this field as wireless technology will be widely used.
Top companies are willing to absorb experienced people in wireless LAN administration and security.A few companies employ only people with specialization in this field.  Many companies engage people specialized in Network Infrastructure and wireless LAN network.  As soon as joining duty, the person will get Rs. 6000 to 7000 as salary.   It is quite normal that salary will be increased according to experience.   Onix Academy, Chennai and CMS Computer Institute, Mumbai are specialized institutions to offer these courses.

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