What to wear for an interview - Gentlemen | Kalvimalar - News

What to wear for an interview - Gentlemen- 29-Jun-2010

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Detailed studies show that employers make up their minds in the first two seconds of the interview, so how you dress makes a big impression. 

Wearing the right attire for job interviews shows you understand the nature of the business and you are familiar with the dress code of that field, thus increasing your chance in getting the job.

Business fields such as accounting, banking, servicing, consulting and law require formal attire, whereas creative industries like advertising and technology are more flexible concerning the attire.

Clothes do make an impression and the right kind, if you pay a little attention to your interview wardrobe. HR professionals say that a candidates attire could actually make or break their chance of getting selected. 

Since how you look is going to be important, stick to the simple rules of dressing that you learnt in school. In other words, dress up conservatively, and you cant go wrong. Wear single colour shirts. Stripes on shirts look good, but they shouldnt be too bold or too thin and too close to each other.

A white coloured shirt is a popular choice, but even a pink or a pistachio coloured shirt is perfectly acceptable as business formals. And a pair of plain cuff links with a unnoticeable design gives a touch of erudition.

The length of the trousers should be just right; it should fall well and not bunch up at the bottom. Tapering trousers are in vogue, but make sure that it doesnt taper to the extent of hugging your calves and ankles. Dark blue and solid grey go well with most of the shirts. Avoid self-print or striped trousers. And the suit should match your trousers.

But if you want to try out different coat colours dont sway beyond charcoal grey, dark blue, brown, fawn. A black suit looks too formal and is less appropriate for job interviews. The sleeves of the suit jacket should not cover that of the shirt completely. About half an inch of the shirts sleeves should be seen.

It is not necessary to mention this but still avoid jeans or denims for interviews.

Now comes the neck tie part. The double-knot tie is the right size to wear. Remember the way you tied the knot in school and the principal agreeably nodded? Yes, keep that in mind. A larger tie knot can give you a more confident look while a symmetric one looks elegant.

Choose a tie knot that fits the collar opening of the shirt. For example, a small tie knot like the four-in-hand suits shirts with a narrow collar opening, while a large tie knot like the Windsor suits shirts with a wide collar opening.

As for the ideal length of your tie, the tip of the wider end should be at the same level as your belt. And be prudent in deciding the colour of the ties. Ties with dark colours are preferred. For example, dark blue and dark red.

And above all, everything should impress the recruiter.

Courtesy: careers360

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