Just a degree is enough? | Kalvimalar - News

Just a degree is enough?-

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Gone are the days when jobs were secured through the education that you have obtained. But today, even if you have a degree, if you do not possess the required skill to carry out the work, it is difficult for you to obtain jobs.  Degree is just like a Passport whereas skill or ability is a Visa. Just as the Passport and Visa are indispensable to travel abroad, degrees coupled with skill and ability are essential to secure desirable jobs.

The establishments require Engineers, but not the persons having engineering degrees.   The organizations require only persons with good administrative skill and not mere MBA degree holders. The students must understand the difference between the two.

We must not only have basic knowledge about the field we are related to but also know how to utilize it properly to achieve great things. What we know is not important. What we accomplish with that knowledge alone decides our success in the organization. What we are is more important than what we know.

Today many things beyond the academic qualification are expected from persons seeking jobs.  The organizations are not prepared to employ persons based on the percentage of marks. A student though with more than 70% marks, and if he cannot open his mouth during group discussion. he has to go home empty-handed.  At the same time, a person with minimum marks has more chances to be selected, if he exhibits his inherent potentials like excellent communicative skills, keen observation, adaptability to go along with the group members, broad-mindedness, time managing skill and decency to accept others’ views.  There cannot be a second view that this person can easily grab the job opportunity.

Today‘s problem is not unemployment but absence of adequate skilled persons.
Moreover, unemployment is not a social problem; it has shrunken into an individual problem. If a person is unemployed, it shows that he does not have the skills ready for employability. The reason is that in today’s scenario, there is no dearth for job opportunities. If students have good marks and excellent potentials, they can easily seize jobs in reputed organizations.

The place from where we start plays a vital role in deciding the magnitude of our accomplishment. If a graduate gets an opportunity to enter into a big national or multinational organization, it helps him in two ways. It imparts opportunities to learn new things in the job and secondly, it provides growth opportunity for the individual to bring out his hidden skills, unveil them and grasp the higher positions.

On the other hand, if you start your career in an ordinary or a medium size organization, the chances for individual growth become minimal. Hence, the students considering their bright future and prosperous career must be extremely cautious while selecting their first job. It is not wise to join a job that is not of your taste because it is available. However, if a person pursues a job of his inherent liking with dedication that  enables him growth, it will bring him not one job but numerous job opportunities. Organizations vie with one another to employ such talented persons.Success then becomes a continuous story in the work life.

Dr. K. Jaffer Ali

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