Study skills for students | Kalvimalar - News

Study skills for students -

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Certainly, it is not that students do not want to study, but do not know how to study. But, positively this article would facilitate to do well in college or school.   

Students stepping into college need to consider the entire length of the course as a pre-exam, preparation period, other wise its going to be same old story of burning the midnight oil. 

Since, college programmes can last a few months to a whole year, it will be difficult to make connection between your daily homework, periodic assignments, and your final exam. Once entering college, start recognizing all academic work done by breaking it down through semester, months or term tests for schools, since it will be easy to study and remember each and every activity. 

Given below are few strategies to help you keep at the right tempo throughout the year. If followed, certainly it will ensure success in exams as well as mastery over the subject.

Set goals: Go through course overview to understand the scope of the course or topic and the mode of scoring. Set practical goals and put it on a paper, preferably a diary to help attain the set goals.

Manage time: Managing time appropriately will aid to keep in control of study workload, achieve more, and stress out less. It is easily possible to make time work with you, instead of against you.

Buy an academic planner or diary that provides week-at-a-glance or a month-at-a-glance view, so to get a holistic view of the time available. Find out assignment due dates and seminar/test/exam/presentation dates and mark them in the study planner in advance. It will help to avoid social commitments during pre-exam and exam times.

Set priorities right; giving more importance in descending order to urgent, important and regular. Main focus need to be on getting the highest marks possible. Make sure to schedule social activities around study schedule and not vice-versa! It is not only an academic challenge, but learning set priorities right achieve desired goal.

Know your learning style: Find out if you are a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic (sense of doing and finding out) learner. It will help to make more effective use of time. Take note that your learning style may be quite different from that of family members and friends. Making changes in the study method to suit your own natural style will enable to produce spectacular results in short time.

Make a study plan: For each subject or topic, figure out the time needed to spend outside class hours, in order to do well. Ensure to have study schedule that allows you to complete all academic workload in a relaxed manner.

Read everyday: Reading is one aspect of studying that most college students fail to pursue. Main reason is that they have not learned to sit quietly in a place and carry out reading taking down the time consumption. Reading and comprehending varies from individuals to individuals and takes time to practice that can be only developed if done consistently.

Particularly in college or university, staying up-to-date in terms of your reading is critical to your success. If you attend a lecture without having completed the required reading, you lose a valuable opportunity to add to your understanding.

Take effective notes: Good note-taking strategies can help you make the most out of the time spent reading from textbooks and attending classes.

Students need to master the art of note taking, since many complain of inability to comprehend their own notes after a certain period of time. Notes need to be legible and should be readable even after months too.   

Attend classes regularly: Attend classes regularly and participate actively without absenting. The interaction will help you to remember more than if you sit passively in class, dreaming of other things.

Create learning environment: Create learning environment by putting up review charts and points where you can see them daily – on mirrors, doors, fridge, bathroom, television, or bedside table. If possible, purchase a white board and dry erase markers, so you can test your recall by reproducing. Use colored markers, include images to trigger your memory and most of all, have fun.

Study with concentration:  A single hour of concentrated study is worth several hours of distracted study. If you mastered the skill of working with concentration, it is possible to achieve much more than 95% of the population. This critical skill enables you to study and do more in less time.

Try memory technique: Use one good memory technique and practice applying it in a variety of academic and professional contexts. Get to know the basic memory principles upon which your brain works and learn some tips for improving your memory - Repeated Recollection.


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