Nurturing towards better study! | Kalvimalar - News

Nurturing towards better study! -

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Although studying is a complex set of skills amalgamated together, it could be mastered through proper guidance and self-nurturing. Every skill could be further broken down into smaller modules  - working on it specifically would certainly yield positive results.   

Many students think that being a good student means just showing up for classes, taking a few notes, reading the textbooks, and studying right before the tests. However, learning, like many other activities, involves a complex set of skills that require practice. For example, if you wanted to become a good football player, you would have to learn how to dribble, pass, shoot, jostle, be a team player, etc., and you would have to practice these individual skills over and over in order to improve them.

Similarly, studying involves learning a complex set of skills, such as note taking, test taking, etc., that must be practiced in order for you to become a good student.

  • Reading Comprehension

  • Note Taking

  • Test Taking

  • Writing

  • Understanding Instead of Memorizing

  • Studying Math/Science

  • Study as Teams

Reading Comprehension:
Do you read page after page of your textbooks and then realize that you have no idea what you've read? To help you avoid having to re-read your course materials and to make more effective use of your reading time, it is imperitive to learn about a step-by-step study-reading method, speed reading, highlighting text, taking notes while reading, reading difficult texts, and more.

Note Taking:
Because so much material is covered in college courses, you won't be able to remember everything unless you know how to take good notes in class. Good note taking also involves adequate preparation and review outside of class.

Test Taking:
Successful test taking involves four critical steps: (1) preparing well in advance of the day of the test, (2) taking the test in an organized way, (3) managing stress, and (4) learning from the test after it is over.

The ability to communicate your thoughts and ideas in writing is critical for success in college and in your future career. Effective writing is a combination of many skills that must be developed through practice.

Understanding Instead of Memorizing:
Memorizing without understanding is not the best way to study, nor is it sufficient for success in college. When students understand the material that they are studying rather than just memorizing facts, they are more likely to remember the material. Students who study for understanding read and think critically, recognize the complexity of the content, and can demonstrate and explain how concepts are related to each other.

Studying Math/Science:
Learning mathematics and science often presents unique study skill challenges. Both mathematics and science communicate content using new language and many symbols, are theory oriented, and often require the mastery of prerequisite concepts as a base for acquiring new knowledge.

Study in Groups:
Many teachers assign projects that require students to work together in 'learning teams'. Apart from this, many students voluntarily set up their own study groups. Being able to work as a team member is a skill that can be learned only by being part of a team. Unless these teams function effectively, they can be frustrating and a waste of time. However, there can be many benefits, including learning from others, participating in active learning, supplementing your personal studying, and seeing material from other perspectives.

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