Comment, Like, Share, Follow... are only not Social Media! | Kalvimalar - News

Comment, Like, Share, Follow... are only not Social Media! - 15-Oct-2014

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Life is drenched with competition far and wide.... Right from play school to campus interview after college studies it is competition ....... competition. Succeeding in these competitions is completely a different issue, but facing such stiff competitions has become part of today's life.

Competition for Jobs:

After getting a job with scores of challenges waiting to be faced. Today, struggle of getting a job haunts many youndsters. After obtaining a bank loan with great difficulty, what would be the general dream of any parent who struggle to give their child an education....a good job in some top company. But, how?

As most parents and children expect, getting a dream job is possible only for a few percentage of students after making it through some tough campus interviews. If this is the case, then what will others do? Getting a job is the most mind boggling question.

Technology is available:

Technology has brought out changes in many facets of the world. In a situation where data transfer speed has crossed form 3G to 5G, technology plays an imperative role in selecting appropriate candidates for a company. Earlier, Job portals and other sites functioned as a bridge between job seekers and prospective employers. Most companies and job seekers depended on such sites and job portals for jobs as well as employees. But, today's scenario has changed with more competitions for the same.

Companies new trends:

Today, most companies select candidates through social networking sites like 'Facebook', 'Twitter' and 'Linked in' says a study. To substantiate this, 'Linked in' is showing rapid growth with the objective of improving network among professionals. Hence, today's youngsters should not forget the social networking sites just only meant for only for sending 'Likes', 'Share', 'Comments' and 'Follow'. It is much beyond these features.

Experts say that in the coming days selecting candidates through social networking site will cross over 50%. Further, companies approach social networking sites to select candidates required for their company. Social media provide excellent jobs to job seekers after interacting with them on their skill sets and assets.

Which company will reject selecting candidates through social networking sites that provide an array of features like economy, time-frame, information about candidates and beyond this, providing name and recognition to the company.

Will this trend change?:

This current trend is not likely to change in the near future. So, one should update their social profile depending upon the requirement of the companies. Not just stopping with this, ensure to make your profile conspicuous in the social media to seeking and searching companies. If you had done this homework on your profile, do you think that it would become necessary to go on a job hunt?

Even after this, if you use social networks only for updating your tour photos taken along with your parents' friends; making updates right from morning even before brushing teeth to late night without eating; getting 'likes' for these updates it is highly ridiculous.

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