3 basic tips to do better in college! | Kalvimalar - News

3 basic tips to do better in college! -

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Learning how to study in college is one of the most important steps you can take to prepare for this phase in your life.

Most students actually don’t know how to go about planning studies in college. The fundamental reason is due to lack of fine personal skills and due to poor understanding of studying a subject.

Personal skills here is all about possessing the ability to properly organise all required study material to be put to use. 

  • Lay the groundwork.
  • Start with the right mindset.
  • Make a study schedule.

1. Lay the groundwork.

Developing good study habits right from day one can help ease your workload when it comes time for exams.

Go to class regularly.

Listen in class—Pay attention, take notes, and don't be afraid to ask for clarification if there's something you don't understand.

Treat every homework assignment like an exam.

Right your wrongs—Many students gloss over their errors and just move on. Don't do that.  Everyone makes mistakes, but if you can learn from yours, you'll be ahead of the game.

2. Start with the right mindset.

How you approach your studies can affect how much you get out of them. Many students get overwhelmed by everything they have to do and put things off as long as possible, which just leads to more problems.

If you start to panic, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Remind yourself that you have skills and abilities, and avoid negative self-talk.

3. Make a study schedule.

How much time you need to study in college will depend on your course load, your learning style, and your personal interests. A good general guideline is to spend two hours studying for every hour you spend in class.

Effective time management is essential. As a first step, you may want to create a calendar of your activities. Include everything, right down to when you eat and sleep. Then, in a day planner, block out specific times to study or complete assignments as well as times to exercise, socialize, or just have fun. Be realistic.

Once you have a schedule, stick to it. Writing it on a wall calendar can be an effective visual reminder and help keep you on track.

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