Phone, a boon for the smart learners! | Kalvimalar - News

Phone, a boon for the smart learners!- 13-Jul-2015

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Education has become handy, thanks to tablets and smartphones that have brought down the price of having the World Wide Web in a palm to a paltry sum.

In this era of smartphones, one can choose a course and the institution that offers it at free will. Such an e-learner need not bother about time, location, and most importantly, the fee, as anyone who has an interest to learn can join an online course offered by the multitude of international universities, paying little or nothing.

On the benefits of choosing the smart way of learning, a Mumbai-based media professional and e-learner Divya S deliberates: "Online learning opens door to a world of educational opportunities for the time-pressed. For the benefit of time-constrained professionals and students those who aim to make the most out of their learning period alike, online schools offer flexible ways to pursue multiple courses at the same time. Traditional brick and mortar walls that separate the world from the school have been done with."

"In this era of the World Wide Web, we can fetch a degree in our favourite domain and all that is needed is some interest and an internet connection. As a professional, the Internet has helped me learn in several informal ways. I brush up my technical skills with online tutorials. When I need to learn a new software or technique, I go online. Internet has a wealth of information that can be used to our advantage," she adds.

Another beneficiary of Internet learning adds: "I find the online mode of self-learning to be a great alternative which is better than the traditional classroom mode in terms of accessibility, affordability and also in some cases quality. There are several books and also other online learning portals which can be accessed within the comfort of ones own home and help cut down on travel expenses. Plus, they present a good option for shy individuals who may like to learn and practise in solitude certain concepts, particularly in areas such as language development. This way, they can gain the confidence which comes with having a grasp over a subject which could help them shed inhibitions to interact with people."

"Alternatively, the online mode can also be a gateway to a wider world. For instance, certain online portals have the option of community learning where students can come in contact with people from cultural backgrounds different from their own."

People who are working can use their free hours to add a course to their CV. Another advantage of e-learning is the availability of rare and specialised courses in top-class international institutions, where one can join at any given time and study in the comfort of home. Online videos, presentations, chat-forums and video conferencing facilities, along with a wealth of e-books, make ea-learning far more interesting.
Further, mobile devices like tablets and smartphones aided with super-fast internet connectivity help the mobile professional to learn on the go.

What more? The Indian online education sector has been recording tremendous growth in the past few years, despite insufficiencies in awareness about online education. It is not so difficult to spot and take up courses available on the Internet, be it professional fields like Information technology or creative domains like designing. Despite all the advantages that online education has to offer, there are still hesitations, mainly because it is a relatively new concept in India.

Online courses are inexpensive. For what you will have to avail bank loans, the same can be pursued online dispensing a small part of your savings. Further, you will be cutting on your transport and hostel expenses. As one starts an e-course, it also makes the e-learner adept with internet technologies. Furthermore, there are plentiful websites like Edx and EduKart that offer online courses. So, why wait? Use your smartphone today to prop up your profile.

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