Few tips on handling teenage children! | Kalvimalar - News

Few tips on handling teenage children! - 24-Jan-2018

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During teenage years, children go through lot of changes both physically and mentally. 

They are trying to find out an identity for themselves- heavily influenced from many sides.

At this point, they also face lot of pressure to do good in the school board or in college.       

Not to be surprised, their behavior becomes more challenging with lot of emotional ups and downs.

Suddenly, your lovely, happy, smiley little child has suddenly started to argue, shout, and slam doors.

It is a stressful time, especially if you have other things to worry about, such as younger children, work, or older parents.

1. Look after yourself

It is important to carry on looking after yourself when you are under stress.

It is too easy to start to skip meals, because you are too tired to cook, or lie awake at night worrying about the situation. Instead, make sure that you take extra time to look after yourself, and everyone else.

2. Stay calm

It can be hard to stay calm and focused when talking to your teenager.

Children do have the ability to pin you to the corner to get their agenda done. If you feel that you are getting angry out of proportion, take a few deep breaths. 

3. Keep talking and listening

Make sure that you keep communication channels open with your teenager. During times like this, it is important to take the opportunity to drive them to school or college. Its could transform into a real good time to talk and express yourself to them.     

If you are worried about specific behaviour, avoid challenging them directly.

4. Set and keep to boundaries

Just like toddlers and young children, teenagers need boundaries.

5. Allow teenagers to have time alone

Teenagers are trying very hard to find and create their own identity.

6. Dont give in to bad behaviour

Just as with toddlers, teenagers will use whatever means available to achieve what they want. If you give-in to bad behaviour, they will use it more often: you will reinforce the behaviour.

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