Enthusiasm that facilitates to conquer heights! | Kalvimalar - News

Enthusiasm that facilitates to conquer heights!- 12-Jul-2015

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If you are filled with enthusiasm, it is certainly possible to conquer the world. But, the point is that many do not how to secure this enthusiasm.

Living a life with mental depression, lacking enthusiasm and a life sunken into sadness will never allow your life to shimmer. Hence, it is necessary to learn about ways to keep your mind always in good spirit. For which, light of success should fill your mind.  Your hands should labor to reap the fruits of success. Your focus should provide the energy for our hands to work hard.

So, if you desire to be enthusiastic always, ponder deeply about your future and have clear goal for your life.  Develop plans and execute the plans to achieve your goal. A flowing river looks good; growing plant glows beautifully; only when firefly insects fly they glow! Likewise, only those who work hard are found to be enthusiastic and busy. Hence, it is crucial to create goals to keep working.

Apart from this, the following techniques could be followed to keep your mind in good spirit. 

1. Never get sunk in sadness due to failure. Nevertheless, failure is not destiny, but a turning point.
2. Let your hear t be filled with the positive energy that comes out from the earlier small successes here and there. Apart from this, start to consider yourself a success.
3. Always keep doing something constructive. Don’t be worried about the comments that accompany the works.
4. Have a good esteem about yourself, your family and your life.
5. Read books that make you enthusiastic. Talk to encouraging friends.
6. Be alert in your mind, sprit, thoughts and actions to do always good things.
7. Make it a practice to at least do 30 minutes of yoga or physical exercise or meditation or breathing exercise before the sunrises.  
8. Change to simple food consumption like greens, vegetables and cereals
9. Always have a heart to help. Jump ahead and be the first to greet and appreciate.

If you start to follow these techniques, river of enthusiasm will start to flow from your heart. Self confidence and positive thinking will augment in the heart.  Ray of hope will engulf you to accomplish any big task.

Try out…..Fruits of success awaits!


----Dr. Kavidhasan 


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