Handling shyness | Kalvimalar - News

Handling shyness - 8-Aug-2009

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Is it possible to help your child from shyness? Most parents think that they can force-out their children out of shyness, instead, it would backfire and cause the symptoms to worsen. We have a few tips on how you can help your shy child.

An exaggerated sense of oneself is when Shyness creeps into an individual. It can also be said that it is a false understanding that everyone is thinking bad about the person or you have a fear of embarrassing yourself in the midst of others.

If this condition is left untreated this can become a condition known as social phobia. Social phobia can be described as a fear of social situations leading to avoidance of public gatherings.

Is your child shy? Here are some questions to ask yourself.
Is your child reluctant to go to social gatherings?

Does your child excessively worry about others opinions?

If you are shy, you are prone to be shy for the rest of your life. The key to treating your child is to teach your child how to cope with the situation slowly. It would be more appropriate to teach your child how to handle himself or herself in a public situation. It is important to enlighten your child as soon as possible. If your child progress to adulthood with this disorder, he or she may find it difficult to find a job or make new friends.

Do not ridicule your child, although the action he/she had done something to make you laugh, as it will leave lasting impressions in your child's mind. Encourage your child to interact freely with their peers, especially when your child comes across any new child. Teach him to introduce himself and instigate him to gather more information about the new child and his family members.

Be empathetic and let your child know that you can understand their feelings. Further, tell them how to deal with such situations. DO NOT make your child feel bad about their problem of shyness. This will only further worsen the problem. Give your child actual scenarios and ask what they would do in such a situation and explain how they can turn the scenario around and handle it better. Shyness cannot be cured but can be assisted.

Parents must be a role model for their children. If you are shy, it is time to receive help for your shyness.  You can find help through books, meetings, and by visiting a psychiatrist.

Get your child involved in more social activities such as sports, playgroups, etc. You may find other means to enroll your child in activities that involve a group and a little bit of interaction. After the sessions ask your child how their day was and how they felt. Further,  give them suggestions on how to interact better next time. However, DO NOT force your child into these situations. If he or she becomes agitated, forcing the situation will only make it worse.

It's good to talk with their teacher about the problem. He or she may have tips on how to help your child become more outgoing.

If all this fails, consult with a psychologist. They are trained to help children with these disorders.

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