Factors to consider while choosing a career oriented job ! | Kalvimalar - News

Factors to consider while choosing a career oriented job !- 6-Jun-2022

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Before choosing a job it is highly important to take into consideration a few factors that will determine a good professional career.  

Good Work Culture:

Good work culture is where employees are encouraged to work as a team, have each other to shoulder one another and bring the best outcomes in projects.

Opt for companies that have an open culture where employees are allowed at every level to share their ideas, suggestions and concerns with their employer. Further, it should have structured feedback strategies enabling employers to keep a constant eye on employee satisfaction levels and would be able to address issues as and when they arise.

Few examples:

1. Fun

2. Challenging

3. Friendly

4. Rewarding

5. Professional

Learning & Growth:

Next, select an organization that offers a good growth and learning culture that promotes employee education and learning. Instead of just being purely focused on productivity, the company should inspire employee growth.

The other factor is a culture of learning, or learning culture, where employees can continuously seek, share, and apply new knowledge and skills to improve individual and organizational performance.

Career Growth:

Career development is achieved by building skills in the short term while career growth is the big picture, the company should be a part of the overall progress of someone's professional life it's the different roles and responsibilities you take on throughout your career journey.

Travel & Commute:

Studies show that longer commutes lead to decreased job satisfaction and increased risk of mental health issues, while shorter commutes have the opposite effect.

Overall, findings reveal that commuting behaviors of employees influence their productivity at the workplace. Active commuting not only improves the physical health of employees, but may also enhance their job performance, contributing to the economic benefits to employers and society.

Hence choose a job that gives a healthy commute.


Total compensation is one of the most important aspects of a career that an individual needs to look closely before signing up for your job.  

Though companies may claim to provide benefits like Medical Allowance, Travel Allowance, Insurance covers, Children Educational Allowances....considering all including your take home salary is a primary factor to look into before choosing a career oriented job.        

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