How to develop confidence in my child? | Kalvimalar - News

How to develop confidence in my child?-

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Confidence is an attribute that would take anybody, anywhere on this earth. It is cautiously easy for parents to develop confidence in their child. By nature, some children are timid. When parents start using a high handedness in handling their children, slowly they tend to grow up with fear and self-doubt. Later, bringing them out of the situation would be highly impossible.

How does confidence affect behavior?

If a child has positive feeling about himself, the self-confidence, self-respect and behavior of the child would be positive.  Whereas if a child has negative feeling about himself, he is sure to have less self-confidence and is more likely to feel unhappy and behaves negatively.
Some children are shy and aren’t confident to speak or interact in public. Some are extroverts and extremely confidant. Being shy is not a reflection of the child's mental ability. Those children who are shy in their childhood often pick up confidence as they grow up and become sensitive, confident and mature adults.
Socializing with new people:
Even some grown-ups aren’t confident talking with new people. 
Many children are confident in their home environment but some become anxious in new situations, such as when going to the school for the first time. It can take some children awhile to get used to new people.
Help and encourage your child socialize with other children. Organize various activities at your home for other children and your child. Invite them for a cup of tea or a birthday party and even perhaps a sleepover (staying overnight) can help your child to gain confidence and the art of relaxing amidst friends.
Instigate the child to talk to your friends and with other family members about things he would wish to share and enjoy. Teach your child to build conversation with different people and with different scenarios, which would help your child to grow in confidence and socializing skills.
Every child needs attention and praise:
Do not forget to give your child the due attention he needs and deserves. Spending time together talking, playing and doing daily activities is great investment in the development of a child. Taking them out is fun but working along with them in activities like painting, singing, gardening, playing a game, going for a walk or making a sandwich can be just too special.
Small errands like sorting washing or posting a letter can make your child feel 'grown-up' and confident. Although your child would not have lived up to your expectation do not forget to praise your child when he tries hard or does well. Be precise in your compliment that you offer your child for his deeds. 'Well done for picking up the toys ' is much clearer than 'Well done for doing your work'. It would help your child to learn from what he is doing is good or bad behavior and assure him of his actions.
Dealing with negative feelings:
Learn to listen to your child as he initiates a talk and don’t be reluctant because he is talking what is in his mind. Show interest in his friends, his victories and defeats.
Spend lot of time talking to your child about the thing that had upset him and give him ideal solution on how to handle such type of difficulties the next, if it comes his way.
Other activities:
Other activities like music, sports can help your child interact with others and become confident. Some activities like Sports, self-defence, language or music clubs can give your child new goals and the feeling accomplishment. As much as possible try to encourage your child's interests and try not to call them 'boring', 'silly', 'girlie', 'tomboyish' or other negative words. It is a part of your child's developing personality.
It is important to intervene if those activities become too obsessive and inappropriate. But encourage your child if he happens to develop new interest provided if they are not harmful.


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