How to make mornings easier? | Kalvimalar - News

How to make mornings easier?-

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Getting young children out the door on time each morning can be a hair-raising experience. Listed below are some tips for taking the mayhem out of the morning routine:

Have “practice mornings” when you’re not in a hurry. Try it on the weekend.

Make a guide for them by taking pictures of them doing all the things they need to do in the morning the posting them in a common area ( on the refrigerator).

Set limits with enforceable statements.

Here are some examples: “Breakfast will be on the table until the timer goes ding.” “I give treats to kids who brush their teeth.” “My car is leaving in just a little while. Will you be going with your clothes on your body or your clothes in a bag?”

Enforce these limits with plenty of loving empathy. This may mean taking your child to preschool in their pajamas or by expecting them to pay you for taking them to school when they are late.

If you think you may need to take your child to school with their clothes in a bag, call the school and let them know ahead of time.


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