Managing Hyperactivity in Children with ADHD: 5 Effective Strategies for Parents | Kalvimalar - News

Managing Hyperactivity in Children with ADHD: 5 Effective Strategies for Parents- 14-Jan-2024

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Every parent desires their child to lead a healthy and active life. However, when a child's activity level surpasses normal limits, it can be a cause for concern, especially if the child is dealing with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADHD is characterized by difficulties in attention, impulse control, and hyperactivity, typically manifesting in childhood. Handling hyperactive children requires thoughtful strategies. In this article, we present five well-researched coping strategies to help parents effectively manage and care for their child with ADHD.

Be Sensitive to Emotional Needs:

Children with ADHD often struggle with managing their emotions. Therefore, it is crucial for parents to be sensitive to their child's emotional needs. Creating a calm and supportive environment can significantly contribute to improving the overall well-being of children with ADHD.

Organize Homework Assignments:

Breaking down coursework into manageable sections based on difficulty level or submission deadlines can greatly assist children with ADHD. Parents can create a checklist to track completed tasks and guide their child through the process, making long-term projects more manageable.

Motivate with Rewards:

Motivating children with ADHD to improve their behavior can be achieved through a reward system. Parents can create a behavior chart and reward positive conduct with tokens or stars. Once a predetermined number of tokens is earned, the child can receive a special reward, such as a trip to the movies or their favorite meal.

Maximize Playtime:

Increasing playtime is essential for children with ADHD. Engaging in physical activities like running, jumping, climbing, and other forms of play can positively impact a child's cognitive abilities and emotional well-being. Allowing them the freedom to release energy in a controlled manner can be beneficial.

Teach Relaxation Techniques:

Helping children learn relaxation techniques, such as mindfulness and meditation, can assist in managing ADHD symptoms. Ensuring they get sufficient sleep and maintain a well-balanced diet, including three meals, a snack, and proper fluids daily, is crucial for their overall health and well-being.


Managing a child with ADHD requires a combination of understanding, organization, motivation, and physical activity. By implementing these strategies, parents can create a supportive environment that promotes the well-being and development of their child, making the journey of raising a child with ADHD more manageable.

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