Parents behavior affects the child - Part II | Kalvimalar - News

Parents behavior affects the child - Part II-

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Here are some parenting styles and the potential outcome could be:

Over-protective parents: Leads to dependent adults

A child growing under overprotective parents faces severe detachment problems as an adult. If you don’t let him/her face life in all its shades, they will grow up to be excessively dependent, weak and seek help for trivial matters.

TIP: Such behaviour can restrict your child’s emotional intelligence. Give them an opportunity to explore the world without constant interference.

Suspicious parents: Leads to lying, distrustful adults

It’s okay to keep a check on your child, but overdoing it can hamper their trust instinct. The child will then panic at the sight of your call or message. To save face, they may even resort to lying. Over suspicious parents envision fear by putting this fear in their child, they raise suspicious adults with low confidence.

TIP: If you have an excessive urge to check on your kids, have a frank talk with them and look for a solution. For instance, they can call you every time they reach their friend’s house, instead of the other way round.

Absusive parents: Leads to an extreme personality

It’s all right to point out your child’s mistakes, but use of emotional or physical violence can scar them for life. Abusive parents permanently damage their child’s cognitive development leading to low self-esteem and confidence. Such children grow up to be extreme personalities - a total rebel or a doormat.

TIP: Identify the first signs of losing your temper.
See if it’s the way your child talks or their mistakes that annoys you. Take precautions at this very stage.

Pushy parents: Leads to suicidal adults

Pushy parents who want their kids to be winners all the time put kids under extreme pressure leading to nervous breakdowns or even suicidal tendencies. Such parents find it hard to digest failure and they crush the child’s personality. Even as an adult, such kids strive to conform to others expectations, which, when unfulfilled, will create a feeling of worthlessness.

TIP: Share positive feelings with your children. Encourage kids even if they don’t win a competition.

Comparing parents: Leads to a show off

Parents, who don’t empathise with their child are quick to deform their child’s personality. This leads to adults who harbour excessive feelings of worthlessness, low self-esteem and self-pity.

TIP: Even if you disagree with your child, use positivity. Avoid comparing siblings and phrases that hurt.

Passive parents: Leads to aggresive adults

Parents, who don’t participate in their child’s activities or those who feel too sorry for being hard on their child, turn them into difficult adults. Such parents are often unable to say ‘no’ and the child grows up to be an overconfident person, who cannot accept mistake or accept criticism positively.

TIP: Spend quality time with your kids. Do things together, such as painting, story telling, going to the park, etc. In case they make a mistake, point it out gently. Do not give in to your child’s whining, crying or temper tantrum, as it only reinforces the behaviour.


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