Preparing for entrance exams | Kalvimalar - News

Preparing for entrance exams- 5-Dec-2009

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Every year several lakhs of students write common exams.

In the same way they also prepare for entrance examinations. The competition is very tough for getting admission into countrys leading colleges in courses like Medicine and Engineering. But, most of the students prepare only in the last minute for the entrance examination.

So, in order to get good marks they study for more than 12 hours a day. According to experts this is not the right way to study. Experts advices on preparing for the entrance examinations are

Students should not study continuously. In between they should get involved in some activities that is desirous to their heart. Todays, parents should allow their children to think independently. They should permit their children to read some good books and see good TV programmes.

The environment in the house is very important factor for the children to study. Childrens characteristics depend largely on this condition. Parents must show emphasize in teaching things like good manners and habits too. But, these things alone cannot provide a good future for the children. 

Only with the combination these good values and the knowledge provided by the teacher combine together they would be able to become a complete personality. Some parents have too much expectation on their children and interfere into all the things the children must learn to do independently. This is very dangerous. Some parents do not bother about their children, which is also dangerous for the future of the children. Parents approach towards the children is very important.

This advice is for the parents concerning their children studies. No doubt that success is definite if the students work hard. But, that is not the way to study. Instead, if they happen to plan and study it is sufficient.  Right from eighth and ninth standard they should start planning.

Students should understand the core meaning of the subject or topic. Success is easy if the students happen to study this way. Some students do not succeed although they have good skills. There are three reasons for this. Firstly, he/ she has a doubt whether they would be able to do it? Secondly, a pride, that only they only can do it? Thirdly, taking everything too light.

Students should not have these three attitudes. If the students avoid these sorts of thinking it would bring success in all the exams.  

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