Important to have healthy friends | Kalvimalar - News

Important to have healthy friends - 23-Apr-2010

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Community based Psychology tells that family and friends play a very important role in our behavioral pattern.

Healthy relationship would provide sound mental state and the adaptability to live with others in the world. Unhealthy relationship would only give bitterness, insecurity and sorrow.  If a child transforming into a youth does not get the right guidance from good friends and family members, his or her behavioral pattern would be largely affected in a negative way.

Generally, youngsters do not share many things with their parents. Reason .big gap between them. But, healthy friends should fill this big gap. It could be a friend of the same the gender or a friend from the opposite gender. Precisely according to the saying, "Tell me your friend, I will tell your character", the character of a person changes or is like the friend(s).

Few ways to develop good friendship:

Respect: Listen carefully to each others view while talking or discussing. Listening will help to understand each other much better, help to take decisions. Trust and support them in all possible permissible ways. Respect their feelings and thoughts.

Honest: Do not hide anything from your friends, but be truthful. This would help to prevent unnecessary misunderstandings and misconceptions.

Share: Share everything like sorrow and health. This would reduce some mental stress. Do not involve in things that would harm each other. Do not act in such a way that would frighten and hurt your friends. Be supportive to each other. This would build mutual trust and your friendship will certainly grow.  

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