Make everything simple to achieve greater things | Kalvimalar - News

Make everything simple to achieve greater things - 18-Sep-2012

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In the current scenario, we live in an environment of haste, chaos, disorder and confusion. But, the person who is able to de-clutter and simplify his life is the one who can achieve the maximum. Most of us do too much speak too much, connect too much, multitask too much, aim for too many goals, fill our workday with too many commitments, and the list goes on.

It's high time to hold back, avoid mad rush, relish every task at hand and simplify things. It's time to focus on the necessity, and put every bit of in its place and time, and de-stress our life. This simple formula is the secret behind all successful people.

However, simplifying is the most difficult thing to achieve and a skill to learn and acquire. Those who can acquire it have been the most successful. Simple story, simple characterisation and simple presentation were the success of many memorable blockbuster movies. These hit movies were constructed without any blemish understanding the human taste of the era, making it enjoyable to watch even today.

Take time to ponder over, simplifying can be pretty complex. Only if you have a deep understanding of the problem you can think of a simple explanation or a simple solution.

Even in the world of advertising, simplifying works the best. The commercials we remember the longest are the ones that tell a simple story. A great advertising guru is one who has the knack to understand the pulse of the consumer. A great advertisement is one, which very simply articulates what the consumer wants. The right message is remembered and people never get tired of watching the ad.

It's said that the greatest truths are very simple. The same can be said of the greatest men. Many great poets who wrote about the simple issues of nature are not forgotten even today. But, simplifying is the real key to the heart and success.

The moment we muddle our life with too many unnecessary wants and needs, we forget to enjoy its true beauty. This greed to carry out too many things, leads to more problems for not just us, but also to those around us. It is just like trying to ride too many horses at the same time, as we see in circus. Riding one horse is ok; two also could be possible, but anything more than two would be disastrous and fatal.

In a nutshell, great things start with simple ideas; and truly great people have achieved their greatness by not complicating things, but by making everything simple and plain. They had simple approaches and found simple solutions to every complicated problem. To put it open, if you want to lose weight, the simple solution is to eat less. If you want to do well in studies, study daily. If you want to become a good musician or sportsman, get up every morning and practise. If you want to achieve something great, just relish and keep working at it.

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