Talking correctly and precisely! | Kalvimalar - News

Talking correctly and precisely! - 23-Jun-2016

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Speaking is not only an art, it is also a skill! It is very important use that skill prudently! To speak well, it is imperative to possess good understanding skills. ! Only if this understanding is there speaking will make way towards positive results!

Before speaking it is very important to think to use polite words instead of hard words. Use of hard words is not of much use, it will only spoil the ability to speak.

To avoid this situation, we should to learn to speak.  It is necessary to speak polite words without hurting others feelings. It is imperative to speak only at the right place.  Speaking like this will give good results.

For example, Abraham Lincolns Gettysburg speech can be taken as a true model. That particular speech comprises of just 278 words.
Although, initially, the speech was scoffed by haughty group of people, in due course of time,   it was considered to be one of the best speeches in the world. Hence, it is important to speak crisply.

Mouth or the brain? 

For many of us, once the mouth starts to work, the brain shuts down. If the brain doesnt work while talking, words losses its vitality. Hence, it is important to be calm while speaking. Only if you think and talk, words and life would be meaningful.

If some here say that only those with good speaking skills survive - it is true. But, the same mouth is the root cause for many problems.   

As a result, it is good to talk little less! Mouth will be in our control until we speak a word; once the word comes out of the mouth we are under control of the word. 

Truly, we need not be worried about the words that havent been spoken. Only words that have come out of our mouth would disturb us!

Success lies in choosing the right word and speaking precisely.

Certainly nothing can happen without talking! But, we should understand that there is more power in talking precisely! Lets talk correctly!        

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