Lamb calls Amma Child calls Mummy! | Kalvimalar - News

Lamb calls Amma Child calls Mummy!-

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God is never partial. He has bestowed everyone with different talents and skills from the birth itself. Irrespective of being born in a poor or rich family, in an illiterate or highly qualified background, talents are embedded within us from our birth. Talents may differ but none is born without talents. Even though we may have many talents like singing, dancing, drawing, elocution, and excellence in sports, success will reach us only if these talents are identified, carefully trained, prudently developed and are put into steady practice.
It is quite natural to question that though each one of us possesses inherent talents,why then, everyone does not succeed in life. Two reasons are there for this. Firstly, it is because they have not identified the inbuilt talents and have not pragmatically developed it.  Secondly, they do not have the capacity to demonstrate their inherent talents to the world. 

Achievers, through regular training develop and exhibit their skills and talents to the world, grab all the opportunities  that cross their way and construct success as a continuous story in their life. For such persons all ways of life are in upward march.

Todays youngsters need the interest to identify their own talents, skill to divulge them and above all the competency to put the talents into use.  Success will accrue to those with these skills and they are sure to get in life what all they need.

Today, the industrial segment is globalized.  The present days situation is that not only the local people but also a large number of foreigners work in industries.  Because of this change, it has become highly essential exchange of views and thoughts with co-workers in English. To interact with others in English on work related matters is indispensable. Hence it has become mandatory to develop the skill to communicate in English. In Chennai metro  alone, personnnels from 60 different countries work in Indian organizations. In this circumstance, English has become an essential means of communication. Apart from this, one need not talk about the want of communication in English for those who are rock-hard to work in foreign countries only.

English is a language but right now, it has become knowledge. Having only good communication skills in English without having the capacity, knowledge and involvement to do a particular task indicates incompetence. But having all the above-mentioned qualities without good communication skill in English denotes inability. The present generation youngsters require communication skills along with competence. 

Many youngsters with UG and PG though possess sound knowledge in their course study, are not selected for the job due to the single reason that they are unable to communicate fluently in English during the interview. In spite of studying through the medium of English in colleges and universities, who are to be blamed for their inability to confidently converse in English? Is it the students, teachers or the present educational system or is it utterly all to be blamed? 

On the one hand, there is the eagerness to eradicate the reasons for this problem. The youngsters who have completed their studies should realize the need to possess good communication skills in English and  rectify the deficiency, with good determination and complete involvement through systematic training. Only then the opportunities which departed from them earlier will come towards them. 

We need not be obsessive about English. It is just enough for the youngsters desirous of bright future, to develop the skill of speaking in English fluently and without any hesitation. It is natural for a goat to bleat AMMA. But it is unnatural for a child to cry MUMMY.

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